Four-Handed Demon
The Four-Handed demon is a smallish, horned demon with a large mouth full of thick, square teeth for chewing bones. it has no body to speak of, and is all hands, clawed hands.
Four-Handed Demon Z-Brush model.
Four-Handed Demon Texture variants.
Four-Handed Demon Levels of Detail.
Four-Handed demon Model Info
version 1.0.3
(Uses Unity’s generic rig)
Levels of Detail
LOD0 19,466 Tris
LOD1 11,628 Tris
LOD2 5,284 Tris
13 Textures (2048 x 2048)
3 color variants
Ambient Occlusion
Normal Map
Illumination Map
3 legacy color variants with specular in alpha channel
6 Materials
Uses Unity’s built-in render pipeline.
3 PBR materials
3 Legacy materials
Four-Handed Demon Animations
18 Animations have root motion “_RM”
14 Animation have no root motion, and need to be scripted for motion. “_legacy”
10 In-place animations eg. Idle
Bite Attack
Horn Attack
Jump Attack
Get Hit
Get Hit Hard
Recover (shake head)
Idle scratch chin
Idle look Around
Idle sleep
Idle snarl
Idle stretch
Dodge Back
Dodge Left
Dodge Right
Run Left
Run Right
Walk Left
Walk Right
Turn 90 degrees left
Turn 90 degrees right