Neurofeedback Games
Ardea Games
Here is some of my work with Ardea Games.
On Lotus Pond I created all the assets except the fish, and butterflies which were from the Unity Asset store.
I created all the assets, and animations for Greenhouse.
Whale Song
I created Whale Song for a Neurofeedback meditation game based more on the audio sounds of the whale rather than visual feedback. As the player falls into a meditative state the whale song sounds closer, and closer. Also the whale is slowly swimming around, and becomes visible to the player the longer they are in a meditative state.
I created all the assets, animations, and some of the shaders for Whale Song.
City Race
City Race is prototype I put together of a neurofeedback racing game. Three hover cars race in a futuristic city with your neurofeedback controlling how well you, and your competitors do. This was created in Unity for Ardea Games, and all assets and animations were created by myself.
City Race cyber hover cars.
Below are some images from another racing game I created the artwork for called “Airships”
Airship models from Ardea games “Airships” Neurofeedback racing game.
A teahouse model I made for Airships.